Donations to Support A Child

Donations to Support A Child

We are truly grateful for your heartfelt interest in supporting the well-being of our children. Your generous commitment to making a positive impact in their lives is both inspiring and deeply appreciated.

Your willingness to extend a helping hand means the world to us. With your financial aid and support, we can create an environment that fosters not only their physical needs but also their emotional and educational growth. Your contribution enables us to provide the best care possible, ensuring that each child under our wing receives the attention and resources necessary for a brighter future.

You can make Offline Donations

Use the following details for bank Transfer

    1. Currency: USD
    2. Swift code: CITIUS33
    3. Beneficially Bank: Equity Bank Ltd
    4. Swift Code: EQBLUGKA
    5. Beneficially name: Kiyemba Patrick
    6. Beneficially Account: 1016100794010
    7. Branch Name: Equity Bank Kampala Oasis Mall

May God reward your generosity.

You can make Paypal Payments

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