• Share the Gift of Hope
    This Christmas

    For just $12, you can provide a child with two hot meals and a reason to smile. Join us in feeding 570 children and spreading the love of Jesus this holiday season.

For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life John 3:16

As we celebrate the birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ this Christmas there are thousands of street and homeless children around who shall not be able to get a hot meal this Christmas, they have no hope whether they shall be able to have a meal this Christmas.

A few years ago I started the operation Christmas meal to be hope for hundreds of these children and ensure that they get a meal in the name of Jesus Christ , we shall feed 570 of them this Christmas. It costs $12 to feed a child with two hot meals this Christmas making the total $6840 to feed 570 children with hot meals this Christmas.

Donate towards this cause to show love and bring hope to these children in the name of Jesus.

Donation Channels

Orphanage PayPal: [email protected]

Choose the friends and family option to avoid extra charges.
MARK LUBE is a christian , brother and supporter of the children , he works with us and he ensures getting PayPal donations to the children in the name of jesus

Bank Details For Wire Transfers

Currency: USD
Swift code: CITIUS33
Beneficially bank: Equity Bank Ltd
Swift code: EQBLUGKA
Beneficially name: Kiyemba Patrick
Beneficially Account Number: 1016100794010
Branch Name: Equity Bank Ntinda

World Remit

The mobile number : 256782973290
Town/ city : Mityana
SEND VIA MTN mobile money not a cash pick up

Luke 14:12-14

Jesus says, "But when you give a feast, invite the poor, the crippled, the lame, the blind, and you will be blessed, because they cannot repay you".

All Donations go towards Children needs.

Our Mission

Bringing hope to all children facing poverty in the name of Jesus Christ.

Sponsor a Child

Release Children From Poverty in Jesus' Name.

Become a Volunteer

We are always grateful to receive a helping hand. Join us.

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